Teaching History & Responsibilities see CV for complete listing of teaching and mentoring experience
Professor of Practice, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Wheaton College MA (2024-present) Full-time instructor teaching a variety of psychology and neuroscience courses, and supervising independent study and honors thesis courses. See "Current Courses" for descriptions of the lecture, seminar, and lab course(s) I have/am/will be teaching at Wheaton. Summer Term Instructor, Pre-College Program, Wheaton College MA (2024-present) This intensive 4-week program welcomes rising junior and senior high school students to campus for college-level coursework, as well as social and professional development opportunities that will help prepare them for success in college and beyond. The Pre-College course I developed and teach, Neuroscience: Mental Health & Medication explores how comparative neuroscience can provide valuable insights into mental illnesses and their treatment options, and includes hands-on laboratory experiences with sheep and rodent brain tissues to better understand the structure and function of the mammalian brain. Visiting Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, Wheaton College MA (2021-2024) Full-time instructor (6 courses/year) teaching a variety of psychology and neuroscience courses. See "Current Courses" for descriptions of the lecture, seminar, and lab course(s) I have/am/will be teaching at Wheaton.
Teaching Fellow (Course Instructor), Department of Psychology, Boston College (2012-2014) Research Practicum in Behavioral Neuroscience (PS481/PYCH4481) is an advanced undergraduate seminar course which I developed and then then taught for three semesters. This course aimed to expose students to a wide variety research methods commonly used in behavioral neuroscience. Students read about and discussed a variety of methods that researchers use to determine the underlying brain circuitry and mechanisms of observable behaviors. Students also learned how to pose and test behavioral neuroscience research questions, conduct and write a literature review, analyze data, and write a research paper in APA style. (Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014)
I co-taught Neurobiology of Eating & Eating Disorders (PS388) for one semester. This course provided an overview of the neural mechanisms controlling appetite, eating, and body weight regulation under normal circumstances and in eating disorders by exploring current neuroscience findings from animal models and human studies. I lectured approximately 1/3 of the class meetings. Additionally, I developed, administered, and graded all exams. (Fall 2012)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, Boston College (2009-2013) Courses: Introduction to Psychology as a Social Science (PS111), Learning & Motivation (PS287), Behavioral Neuroscience (PS285), Addictions (PS333), Neurobiology of Eating and Eating Disorders (PS388). My duties and responsibilities as a teaching assistant varied across courses, but included: class attendance, guest lecturing, running review sessions, holding regular office hours, photocopying, tracking down relevant readings, administrating scantron sheets, maintenance of the course gradebook and course website (BlackBoard Vista, Canvas), exam question development, proofreading of exams, proctoring exams, and grading.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Biology, Gettysburg College (Spring 2008) Neurobiology (BIO235) Served as a tutor on as as-need basis for students seeking extra help understanding lecture material. However, the primary job was as an assistant during the weekly lab section. Duties included lab set-up, clean-up/breakdown, as well as aiding students in completing the week's experiment. Weekly experiments typically consisted of crayfish or snail dissection, electrophysiological recordings, and analysis/interpretation of data. Peer Learning Associate (tutor), Department of Biology, Gettysburg College (Fall 2007) Cell Biology (BIO212) Worked one-on-one with students needing extra help understanding lecture material. Typically met weekly, but more frequently if needed (especially prior to exams).